Lawyers, Guns and Money: Gold Mining and Biodiversity in the Biosphere Reserve

As Featured in the Summer 2016 ed. of Journal del Pacifico  When Dr. Sula Vanderplank and Dr. Benjamin Wilder, through The Next Generation Sonoran Desert Researchers, approached ICF to finance a biodiversity assessment of the Arroyo La Junta area in the Sierra foothills--where the Mexican government had authorized the Los Cardones gold mining project--we knew it was the right next step. With the help of CONANP (The National Commission of Natural Protected Areas) in Baja California Sur, and public outcry against the mine operation, Sula and Ben set out to bring rigorous scientific investigation and analysis to determine the magnitude of endemism and biodiversity in the area. View The Full Article, on page 12

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Dic 20, 2015

The Todos Santos Music Festival

As Featured in The San Diego Union Tribune The Todos Santos Music Festival was created by Peter Buck of REM and brought to life by The Hotel California to add music...

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