McKenzie Campbell
Directora de Programas
As ICF’s Director of Programs, McKenzie manages ICF’s growing portfolio of special projects in Baja California Sur, Mexico. She provides leadership to and helps amplify the impact of teams and collectives of organizations working in areas of significant relevance to the ICF, including food systems, sustainable cities, and waste reduction/management.
McKenzie has a breadth of experience launching and leading nonprofits and community alliances. She served as the Director of the Colorado State University Center in Todos Santos, where she helped launch and guide community engagement for CSU’s first international facility. In 2009, McKenzie co-founded, then directed, Living Roots (Raíces Vivas), a nonprofit that helps incubate social enterprises with remote ranching communities in BCS, while promoting their unique cultural heritage. McKenzie has been involved with NOLS Mexico (National Outdoor Leadership School) since 2006 when she first arrived at Baja California Sur. She has led wilderness leadership expeditions, managed their program for Spanish speakers and designed Leave No Trace courses for organizations throughout Mexico interested creating protocols to reduce environmental impact in natural protected areas.
McKenzie holds an MBA, in Global Social and Sustainable Enterprise from Colorado State University and a BA in Political Science with a concentration in International Development from Oberlin College.
Based in Pescadero, BCS Mexico, McKenzie enjoys adventures into the mountains and along the coasts with her two young kids.