Fighting Chronic Disease
“I have been a nurse for 24 years. During my years of training I learned the natural history of diseases such as diabetes and its complications. When I joined the Dulce Wireless Tijuana (DWT) project, I learned about diabetes and the great need that people with diabetes have for knowledge about this disease.
Prior to the DWT project, patients did not have optimal and integrated management of diabetes. As a result of this, their glycemic levels were out of control. While participating in the DWT project, patients had access to the education and comprehensive care provided by a multidisciplinary team. The patients received the necessary education for self-control and proper management of risk situations for their diabetes. Furthermore, patients used technology tools such as glucose meters, smart phones and Internet access to strengthen their knowledge about their disease. As a result, patients changed their lifestyle and made appropriate decisions about eating habits, insulin application, carbohydrate intake, decreasing blood glucose levels and weight loss.
Thanks to the DWT training I received and my daily contact with the patients enrolled in the DWT project, I became more knowledgeable and empathetic. I was able to address the patients’ concerns, fears, doubts and general questions about their diabetes.
During the DWT study, I found out that I myself had pre-diabetes. Similarly to my patients, I was able to modify my eating and exercise habits. I lost 35 pounds in total weight and improved my blood glucose levels. Thus, I was also able to apply the DWT lessons to my own benefit as a nurse and as a newly diagnosed pre-diabetes patient.”
- Clementina Mejía, Nurse[feather_share show="facebook, twitter, linkedin," hide="reddit, tumblr, pinterest, google_plus, mail"][wpad-comment-form id="883"]
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