Inspire Change
Our donors support ICF because they want to inspire change in the world. But the reasons for supporting our cross-border foundation don’t stop there.
Giving overseas can be a complex and time-consuming process. Legal barriers and tax implications can make it difficult to ensure your donations comply with U.S. charitable giving regulations. And lack of information regarding overseas nonprofits can make it hard to determine whether your contributions will be used responsibly.
As your philanthropic partner, ICF makes it easy to support the causes you care about. We help you identify and implement tax-deductible donations that improve the quality of life for people in need. We streamline and simplify the process of giving overseas for U.S. donors, while eliminating the many obstacles that can get in the way. The result is a safe, secure, and complete grantmaking solution for our international donors.
With ICF, you can rest assured that your contributions will be legal, fully tax-deductible (where allowed), and will help to fund reputable, financially responsible nonprofits across the border that support the causes you are most passionate about.

The ICF Difference
With over 30 years of grantmaking experience and an extensive network of nonprofit organizations and community foundations in Latin America and beyond, ICF provides international donors with several important benefits:
International Experience:
The ICF team consists of international development and nonprofit professionals who have lived and traveled throughout Latin America. They offer unique cultural insights and first-hand knowledge of the communities, projects and programs we support.
Professional Grantmaking:
ICF has the experience and expertise to identify the most effective grantees that align with its key program areas. The ICF team researches, develops grant strategies, and recommends timely grantmaking opportunities to ensure your donations achieve maximum impact.
Full Tax Deductibility:
Because ICF qualifies as a U.S. public charity, your contributions to ICF are eligible for the maximum allowable federal income tax deduction. Cash gifts through ICF allow you to give up to 50% of your adjusted gross income in a given year (versus 30% through a private foundation).
Due Diligence and Accountability:
ICF’s grant management policies ensure that your donations are properly used by the nonprofit organizations that receive them. ICF also provides annual reports to give donors a proper accounting on the impact they have created.
Cost Effectiveness:
By establishing economies of scale in the communities we support, ICF can minimize administrative costs and maximize the percentage of your donations that directly fund the cause or project.
As a registered public charity in good standing, ICF adheres to best practices in charitable gifting, promoting transparency in its operations with full financial disclosure.
Donor Privacy:
ICF maintains a strict donor privacy policy to protect your information from unauthorized persons. All ICF staff, volunteers and board members sign confidentially agreements to protect donor interests.
Donor Peace of Mind:
Working with ICF allows you to focus on your passion, leaving us to handle the day-to-day administrative and legal complexities associated with managing an international grant.
From setting up your own fund to donating to an existing fund, ICF offers many different ways to support the causes you care about.
Establish a “Friends of” Fund or Donor Advised Fund
Ways To Give
Wire Transfers
Bank Name:U.S. Bank
Bank Account Name:
International Community Foundation
Routing Number:
Account Number:
(For international wires only) SWIFT Code:
4747 Executive Dr Ste 300, San Diego CA 92121
The name of the fund, organization, or grantee you wish to support
Payable to:
International Community Foundation
2505 N Avenue, National City, CA 91950
The name of the fund, organization, or grantee you wish to support
Online Donation Traded or
Closely Held Securities
(Stock, Bonds or Mutual Funds)
The donation must be electronically transferred to ICF’s Vanguard account:
Vanguard AMS
PO Box 709, T-21
Valley Forge, PA 19482-0709
Account Number: 48844269
Email or fax: (619) 336-2249 the Stock Donation Form to ICF. Be sure to include a mailing address to receive a tax receipt.
Planned Gifts
To make a bequest, visit
Life Insurance and
Appreciated Property
Please contact ICF at for more information.
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