What Happens When Deportees Return to Mexico?

Tijuana, BC, Mexico | August 07, 2018

Program description & objectives
Recent events in U.S. immigration policy have driven public attention to the southern border with Mexico. Family separations, same-day deportations, and challenges to due process have major consequences on the lives of thousands of people in both Mexico and the U.S., especially in the San Diego-Tijuana region.

As part of our mission to uplift the voices and needs of communities in Mexico and the border region, ICF is proud to be partnering with San Diego Grantmakers and Philanthropy California to sponsor a Livestream from the Tijuana on Tuesday, August 7th from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Participants will hear from immigrants and deportees, and learn about local organizations who are responding to the needs of these vulnerable populations. To watch the livestream next week, just tune in to ICF’s Facebook page next Tuesday, and be sure to submit your questions to our presenters. It’s as easy as that!

Join this livestream to:

  • Learn more about what comes after deportation, and take a personal look at the effects of family separation
  • Gain a better understanding of the people and organizations involved in the crisis on our border
  • Experience Tijuana in real-time by joining a site tour of funders as they regroup on both sides of the border fence.

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baleen whale

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