A Message to our Philanthropic and Nonprofit Community
Dear family and friends of ICF,
Like many of our colleagues in the philanthropic and nonprofit community, we have been monitoring the developments of the novel COVID-19 situation as it evolves.
To exercise the abundance of caution recommended by health officials in San Diego, the International Community Foundation (ICF) is postponing events and moving our in-person meetings and workshops/convenings to online platforms. Starting Monday, March 16, our team will be working remotely; we have lifted the limits of sick time to ensure that our team can prioritize taking care of themselves and their families. We will still be monitoring all mail sent to the office and other in-person needs on a staggered basis to do our part in decreasing social interaction as much as possible. We will re-assess on March 31 and will update you at that time.
All this said, our work continues.
We know that the spread of COVID-19 puts the most vulnerable populations at risk around the world. We are hearing from many on-the-ground partners that support is needed to strengthen their ability to respond to this health crisis. Our team has been actively engaged in conversations with our partners in Mexico and are reporting back immediate needs from basic cleaning and sanitary supplies to better access to training and public messaging on how to decrease the spread of this virus in shelters and other shared spaces.
We know from our philanthropic partners at the national, state, and county levels that providing immediate general support grants to our grantees will help lessen the impact on healthcare and food system services. Nonprofits that depend on fundraising events and fee-for-service activities will be especially hard hit.
There is a critical role for philanthropy to play right now. If you feel moved to contribute to these efforts, we are making both the Border Fund and our Border Health Fund available for rapid response grantmaking.
In a time when social distancing and isolation are being encouraged by so many, our ability to come together and help one another cannot be more important. ICF stands strong as a team to connect and move resources where they are needed most.
Should you have questions, ideas, or concerns please contact your program officer or the main line at (619)336-2250. We are here and will remain vigilant, proactive and responsive during this critical time.
In solidarity with all of you,
Anne McEnany
President & CEO
Resources: Center for Disease Control, San Diego County, View the recording of San Diego Grantmakers Philanthropy California webinar held this week with The CDC Foundation, FSG, CalOES, and Governor Newsom’s office. San Diego Grantmakers is also updating their COVID-19 Response Resource Page, daily.
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