Saucer-sized spider discovered in Baja cave

San Diego Union Tribune, April 4, 2017. Saucer-sized spider discovered in Baja cave. In the hills of Baja, Michael Wall and Jim Berrian found a creature that’s the stuff of nightmare for most people — a cave spider nearly the size of a tarantula.For the two San Diego Natural History Museum researchers, it was an exciting windfall — an unknown arachnid as wide across as a softball. ICF is a proud supporter of the SDNHM environmental research like this throughout the Baja peninsula. Read Full Article.

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Mar 24, 2017

Fighting Hunger in Los Cabos

Gringo Gazette, March 6, 2017. Gringo Gazette, March 6, 2017. Fighting Hunger in Los Cabos. Baja California Sur's population is struggling with high rates of food insecurity, and the social,...

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