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Comprehensive Charity Evaluation and Consulting Services

Helping Donors Make a Meaningful Difference

In addition to distributing your donations to the appropriate grantees, ICF also helps our donors make a meaningful difference through research, project development, and evaluation. This kind of work is known by many names, including venture philanthropy, impact investing, social responsibility, and social ventures.

Designed to help individuals, families, businesses and foundations better articulate and achieve their philanthropic visions, our donor advisory services include programmatic and project-related research, as well as special project development.

In the area of programmatic and project-related research, ICF can:

Identify in-country technical experts and nonprofit organizations currently working in the field

Commission and disseminate new data, science, relevant publications and research on Mexico

Develop projects in consultation with donors and corporate clients

Recommend philanthropic investments

Evaluate philanthropic impact

For special project development, ICF can provide:

Technical and project oversight in compliance with all IRS and Department of Treasury and state guidelines

Customized site visits in Mexico

Evaluation and monitoring

Detailed project reporting

For more information on ICF consulting services, contact us.



ICF commissioned a series of research papers on “U.S. Retirement in Mexico” to help understand the community of U.S. retirees living in Mexico and the nonprofit programs they participate in.

This initiative evolved into a five-year learning journey that culminated in the "National Forum on the North American Retiree Community: Expectations & Options for Living in Mexico.” Attended by more than 100 U.S. expatriates plus Mexican federal and state government officials from nine states, the forum opened an important dialog on what it means to be U.S. citizen living in Mexico.

Research papers resulting from this research initiative include:

U.S. Trends in Mexican Coastal Communities – Lifestyle Priorities and Demographics

Civic Engagement, Volunteerism and Charitable Giving – Americans Retiring in Mexico’s Coastal Communities

The Greening of U.S. Retirement Destinations in Mexico – Emerging Issues and Trends in Coastal Communities

Housing and Real Estate Trends among Americans ?Retiring in Mexico's Coastal Communities

Health Care and Americans Retiring in Mexico

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The International Community Foundation is a 501(C)(3) Nonprofit registered in the US under EIN: 33-0457858.