strategic levers
strategic levers

Strategic Levers

Resource Mobilization/Asset Building

Uplifting thriving, resilient communities and ecosystems require diverse, and long-term financial support. As relationship and resource mobilizers, ICF facilitates the connectivity of donors and nonprofit partners who are committed to positive social and environmental change. In this role we:

  • Raise funds and foster community philanthropy to address the complex challenges impacting the regions where we work.
  • Partner with donors and funders to help identify aligned causes, invest in impactful initiatives, and manage their long-term legacies.
  • Support nonprofit partners with fundraising and institutional goals by providing tools and training to achieve financial sustainability.
  • Provide a suite of platforms that enable diverse short and long-term fundraising strategies including; endowment funds, crowd funding and fiscal sponsorship “Friends of” Funds for nonprofits not incorporated in the United States.


ICF’s grantmaking infrastructure empowers globally minded donors to engage in charitable giving across borders. We work to identify, and vet aligned project partners and ensure compliance with regulations in the receiving countries. Since 1990, ICF has granted over USD$145 million to support leaders on the ground. As Grantmakers, we:

  • Provide funding to community-led nonprofit organizations and initiatives, with an emphasis on flexible, operational support.
  • Offer our international grantmaking infrastructure to leverage new resources and maximize collective impact.
  • Embrace trust-based philanthropic practices that help make philanthropy more accessible and inclusive.

Current Grant Opportunities: Central America Grants Fund Request For Proposals (RFP)

Community Power and Leadership

A strong, united, and organized civil society - the combined efforts of individuals, nonprofits, and movements -is essential for catalyzing and sustaining transformational change. Yet globally, civil society is under threat from increasingly restrictive governments, lack of resources, public distrust and in some places, security threats. 

As part of our commitment to community resilience, ICF seeks to ensure that nonprofit and community leaders have the resources and skillsets needed to advance their missions. As community leaders and power-builders we: 

  • Share and build power and decision-making through intentional and meaningful inclusion of those most affected by the challenges we seek to address. 
  • Bring together diverse stakeholders for shared learning, trust building and collaboration. 
  • Invest in the skill-building and organizational capacity of our partners, as well as in the support systems needed to organize and maintain movements and influence structural change. 
  • Uplift and advocate for community leaders and inspiring initiatives that address urgent needs and spark positive social and environmental change. 
  • Support and lead participatory research to better understand local needs, strengthen collective intelligence and inform decision-making. 
  • Incubate and catalyze new initiatives, and foster connectivity of existing groups, to address gaps in social and environmental systems.