
Sep 24, 2020

How COVID-19 has impacted food security in Northern Baja California

During the beginning of the pandemic, more than 45% of Tijuana residents lost their jobs and businesses, leading to an increased demand of food security....

Aug 27, 2020

ICF’s Friends of Funds Spotlight: Pelagios Kakunjá, A.C.

Pelagios Kakunjá works to understand the ecology and behaviour of marine predators, gathering and publishing information that helps create targeted conservation strategies. For example, their...

Jul 29, 2020

Fundación El Peñón’s COVID-19 Response

Fundación El Peñón is an educational Institution with more than 50 years of experience, focused on the training of high school and high school youth…...

Jun 30, 2020

Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on LGBTQIA+ Populations and Organizations Across the Globe

The COVID-19 pandemic presents unparalleled challenges to human resilience, as well as local and global economies. There is still a lot of uncertainty of how...

Apr 19, 2020

This is About Humanity

This is About Humanity is a movement started by its three co-founders - Elsa Collins, Zoe Winkler Reinis and Yolanda Selene Walther-Meade, almost two years...

Mar 17, 2020

GCIR Conference & Crisis Response

From March 10-13, the biannual Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR) National Convening brought together a dedicated (albeit reduced) group of foundation representatives, nonprofit...

Mar 17, 2020

A Message to our Philanthropic and Nonprofit Community

Like many of our colleagues in the philanthropic and nonprofit community, we have been monitoring the developments of the novel COVID-19 situation as it evolves....

Mar 2, 2020

Gender, Childhood & Youth on the Move: “Visibilizing” the Invisible

Beyond the learning and relationship-building, it became clear that an important outcome of this convening would be to “visibilize the invisible” – uplift and learn...

Jan 27, 2020

Gray Whales in the Baja California Peninsula

These whales have traveled here for many years, but they haven’t always had an amicable relationship with humans… gray whales know to come to Laguna...